Release and Keep Going! ♥ 👣

Hello 2018 my dancing friends!!
Sending you love as we step in together to a wonderful year! Monday evening I sat down with my Daily Word and my Gratitude vase, and surrounded myself with my 2017 gratitude notes. Writing a gratitude note is a daily ritual, and my yearly ritual is to read each one. I love this ritual, and each note fills my heart and mind with the memory of what was happening in my life at the time I wrote the note. Many of you reading this are in my notes! Thank you - I am grateful for you in my life!! So I start again with 2018. There is always something to be grateful for no matter what is going on in my life and how I am feeling about myself or the world. This ritual always connects me to God and joy. What is your special ritual? I would love to hear about it...please email me! Monday I also attended The Synergy Studio's 11th annual drumming, dancing and meditation event where I celebrated with dear friends and other movers and shakers and celebrators the entry into a new year! It was a blast! Part of this celebration is a meditation and allowing a word or phase to come that will guide me into the new year. My words were: Release & Keep Going. Perfect! You see lately I have been in a place of concern about some things in my life, and I can sense this concern as a contraction and tightness in my connective tissue, as well as in my thoughts, and when I feel stuck or worried I tend to freeze up. This message is my invitation to acknowledge my living light of Release, and shake off whatever is going on in order to create space for Renewal. Just like our cells are constantly releasing and renewing, I can do the same with every moment.
My intention in 2018 is to use this light of Release to Keep Going, and focus on Expansion in my body, emotions, mind and spirit, and my dance of life!
I invite you to dance and move with me in Nia this week on Thursday at 5:30 pm and Saturday, at 9:30 am, and release what you need to let go and create space for your intentions. We will be dancing the Nia routine WILD, and it is a great way to shake into the New Year. Why not be WILD??!! Also, check out my Yoga DeTox class, team teaching with Adelle, on Saturday, Jan. 6 at 4:00 pm, and my Nia FreeDance Saturday class on Jan. 13 at 5:00pm. 2 great ways to acknowledge your living light of Release! Namaste! Joanie Brooks