Expressing Gratitude Through Your Dance!!

Hello my fellow Dancers of Life!
How do you express gratitude in your dance?
One of the most profound ways I do this is by giving myself permission to explore endless possibilities to create movement and magic. It is so gratifying to me to receive the gift of freedom without judgement, and allow my authentic dance to be expressed through my body, emotions, mind and spirit!! Thank you body!!
“Dance is the hidden language of the soul of the body.”
Martha Graham
Another way for me to express gratitude in my dance is through the music. I am so grateful for the endless gifts of the musicians, providing me a landscape for exploration and expression. What would I do without music? It is the wind that lifts my sails, my wings! Thank you for the music!!
Music is a world within itself, with a Language we all understand." Stevie Wonder
I express gratitude in my dance for my commUnity of fellow dancers and friends, YOU, by creating a safe container for us to come together, dance together, express together and honor each other's unique gifts. Thank you for being in my life!! I invite you to share your dance of gratitude by joining me in Nia FreeDance! Let's step into a circle of gratitude for our body, the music and each other!! I am offering 2 Nia FreeDance opportunities this coming week. The 1st one is this Sunday, Nov.21 at 9:00 am MDT/10:00 am CDT. As part of Soulful Sunday, I will be teaching a Nia FreeDance class in-person at The Synergy Studio and via Zoom from Studio Nia Santa Fe! **Sign up for in-person by going to **To sign up for Zoom, please go to The 2nd opportunity is Monday, Nov. 22 at 5:00 pm CDT at The Synergy Studio, in person or via Zoom. **Sign up for either by going to In love, gratitude and dance... Namaste, Joanie Brooks
