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Power - Authentic Heart

Hi Friends!!

As many of you know, I am back from a week with Debbie Rosas, co-founder of Nia, and my fellow Nia Trainers in Portland, home of Nia International!! I am inspired by these amazing beings of light and energy, who are all dedicated to Nia, to their own body and life, and to YOU! We are all taking Nia to a higher vibration and I invite you to vibrate with us! One of the ways you can vibrate is to Like our Nia San Antonio Global Community page on Facebook (click on the page name). Here you can easily find out what is happening around our city, as well as share with the community. Your Nia story is the best way to inspire others.

What is your definition of POWER? I have been asking this question in my classes this week and it has been very revealing. The 3 common answers are: authority, control and strength. I invite you to open to Nia's definition of POWER. One of the 4 pillars (principles) of Nia is POWER, and it means Authentic Heart. "Power is the ability to act, say, think and express attitude, style and belief without reserve, hesitation or limitation." Beautiful! POWER is owning who I am, making my choices and decisions based on love, and loving my body and my life. POWER is the freedom and courage to express myself, to speak my truth, and to live authentically. Authentic Heart.

Step in with me this week as we sense POWER in our body, mind and spirit. How do you define POWER? See you on the dance floor!!

My classes this week at The Synergy Studio:

Thursday at 5:30 pm

Saturday at 9:30 am


A special once a month Nia FreeDance Saturday at 6:00 pm. Nia FreeDance is designed to support you in moving freely and expressively, bringing you closer to the source of your authentic dance, where spirit, body, mind, and emotions unite to create an artful movement experience. Soul-stirring music and eclectic sonic landscapes will provide cellular resonance to evoke self-expression, and unleash movement creativity!! Every Body can move and dance!!!Come alone, with friends, your partner…All are welcome!!



Goggle Blogs!
Click Here for Blogs prior to Oct. 26, 2015
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