A Special JourneyDance™ Class
Prayer Circle
You are the Prayer; your body, your movement, your breath. You are the Goddess; your passion, your emotions, your sensual heart. You are the Warrior; your power, your intentions, your life's journey.
The JourneyDance™ Prayer Circle is a community movement event of deep expression and celebration. We begin with inspirational story, then set our inner most intentions and spark our personal dreams. We embark as moving prayers, holding sacred space for our community in a dance that builds from solo, to partner, to group and beyond. We learn the power of witnessing and inspiration. We learn the power of being seen in free expression. We allow evocative music to invigorate our emotions and our dancing to unfold us into true appreciation and celebration of our praise-worthy Self.
“We're gonna praise you like we should!”
When: Sunday, September 21
Where: The Synergy Studio
Time: 10-11:30 am
Cost: $15 drop in or a punch on your studio card.